Commitment and attitude
We are experts in jewelry from buying to selling, and we are always exploring the fascination of jewelry. In 2020, ACHACO was launched with the concept of a jewelry store focusing on sophisticated, high-quality jewelry. In a time when the new coronavirus infection was spreading worldwide and people were unable to go out and shop freely, we launched our official shopping site to accommodate the wishes of our many jewelry-seeking customers. We believe that it is most important to continue to improve our aesthetic sense. By inspecting over 100,000 pieces of jewelry a year, we are constantly striving to cultivate our knowledge of gemstone grading and the beauty of formative arts as an item. In order to deepen our insight, we strive to acquire knowledge about gemstones, research history, geopolitics, the natural environment, art, innovation, and more, and work diligently on the jewelry we offer to our clients.
ACHACOは創業者である榎波鶴松のニックネームである「アチャコ」に由来します。福井は古来より繊維産業が盛んな街であり、若かりし鶴松は繊維業に従事し、良質な織物を見抜く優れた目利きでした。勤務先の会社から才能を認められ、北京支社長として栄転した鶴松は、妻となる美代子と周囲の反対を押し切り駆け落ち同然で北京へ渡ります。当地で目利きの才能を開花させ職務に邁進し、急速な経済発展に支えられ順調に社益を上げました。現地で暮らす運転手や数人の家政婦をかかえる大所帯で順風満帆な暮らしを送っていた鶴松は、生活をともにする彼らを家族同然と考え、人種や身分の隔たりなく接しました。終戦後、福井に帰省した鶴松は焼け野原となった街と生活に困窮している人々を憂い、目利きの才と北京で築いた財を元手に美代子と質屋を開業。屋号を「エナミ アチャコ質店」とし、市井の人々の生活の手助けに尽力しました。鶴松にはニックネームを屋号に含めるといったユニークさがあり、周囲の人々とお酒を飲んで語らうことを好みましたが、愛したお酒が原因で永眠します。鶴松の才覚とは、物事の本質を見抜き理解する力であり、その人生は現代に生きるわたしたちにも貴重な示唆を与えてくれます。伝え聞いた鶴松の人柄に敬意を払い、屋号をACHACOとしました。
Origin of the trade name
ACHACO is derived from the nickname of the company’s founder, Tsurumatsu Enami. Fukui has had a thriving textile industry since ancient times, and the young Tsurumatsu was engaged in the industry and was an excellent connoisseur of quality fabrics. His talent was recognized by the company where he worked, and he was promoted to head of the Beijing branch office. There, he developed his talents as a business manager, and his duties were supported by the rapid economic development of the city. He had a large family with a driver and several housekeepers living in the area, and they enjoyed smooth sailing. After the war, Tsurumatsu returned to Fukui and, concerned about Japan’s poverty and burnt ruins, opened a pawnshop with Miyoko using his accumulated talent as a connoisseur and the fortune he had amassed in Beijing. Under the name “Enami Achako Pawnshop,” he devoted himself to helping the people of the city to make a living. Tsurumatsu, who had a unique personality, using his nickname as the store name, loved everyone and was adored by all, died of alcohol poisoning. Tsurumatsu’s talent was his ability to see and understand the true nature of things, and his life offers valuable insights for those of us living today. In honor of Tsurumatsu’s character as told to us, we decided to name our business ACHACO.